
Semi-Autonomous Driving


Concepts for Near Future Self-Driving Cars

Industrial design - user research - concept generation - storyboarding - ergonomics - prototyping

 Worked with two GM R&D engineers to research and explore near-future concepts for semi autonomous driving (requiring varying levels of interaction) with a predefined core user in mind.

Worked with two GM R&D engineers to research and explore near-future concepts for semi autonomous driving (requiring varying levels of interaction) with a predefined core user in mind.

3. Core User.jpg
2. Design Focus.jpg
 Armed with a set of guidelines, we conducted guided storytelling research sessions with our focus group, tasking them to describe two kinds of driving scenarios. Initially using an open-ended approach, and then a second round with a set of notable a

Armed with a set of guidelines, we conducted guided storytelling research sessions with our focus group, tasking them to describe two kinds of driving scenarios. Initially using an open-ended approach, and then a second round with a set of notable actions.

 Guided by our research findings, our initial concept relies on a customizable interior that would allow each user to configure their car’s interior based on a framework of categorized apps.

Guided by our research findings, our initial concept relies on a customizable interior that would allow each user to configure their car’s interior based on a framework of categorized apps.

 Based on our Interface Function Hierarchy model, we developed an interactive research toolkit that would enable digital “velcro modeling” and allow a sample of users to produce their ideal interior design configurations.

Based on our Interface Function Hierarchy model, we developed an interactive research toolkit that would enable digital “velcro modeling” and allow a sample of users to produce their ideal interior design configurations.

Digital Maketool use by participants during research sessions.

6. Maketool compiled.jpg
 Initial Interior Concept Sketches

Initial Interior Concept Sketches

7B. Initial Concept.jpg
8. 3 Driving Modes-08.jpg
 Refined interior exploration based on ergonomics and observed behaviors.

Refined interior exploration based on ergonomics and observed behaviors.

 Our final interior concept moves all essential car functions to their own always-on display area, and reconfigures the dashboard for a better experience between driver and passenger.

Our final interior concept moves all essential car functions to their own always-on display area, and reconfigures the dashboard for a better experience between driver and passenger.